Whatever You Are, Be a Good One...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back State side

Well, I'm back safe and sound. After 24 hours of traveling, I've rested yet still not back to a normal schedule. I can tell the jet lag is hitting me hard, as well as American food since I've been sick since I've gotten home. This upcoming weekend I'm heading to my cabin with my family, so I think that will be really good for me. Then operation, "find a job" will be in full swing starting Monday!

The last few days of school were great, and the kids threw me the best (almost) surprise party ever. I even had cupcakes with my name on each one :) Then I was off to Zanzibar with my friend Erik, and we had a blast. We hung out in Stone Town for 2 days checking out the architecture, great restaurants and crazy streets. Then we headed for the beach on the north shore of the island where I have never witnessed such a beautiful place. We went scuba diving, laid on the beach, drank plenty of cocktails and just relaxed. A perfect way to end my time in Africa.

Here are some pictures to sum up the last few days...first the party that the kids threw me, and then Zanzibar :)
All the treats the kids made me :) Even a cake in the shape of a heart!

The kiddos reading the "thank you" cards I wrote them each

Lining up for treats!

Cupcakes with my name on them! :) 

Singing the song they wrote me...best thing ever.

Tearing up, as the kids had me open the letters they wrote me and shirt they signed for me 

Stone Town

First drink on the beach...please note the awesome yellow sunglasses purchased for 10,000tsh in Stone Town. ;) Best. Purchase. Ever. 

Erik in the ocean!

The sand was unbelievable

Gotta love the ocean :)

Scuba Diving time!

I was a little scared...

:) Ready to go!

Post scuba Fanta on the beach..much needed. 

The sunsets were breathtaking...


So strange to think that 5 days ago I was scuba diving in the Indian Ocean. Now..it's 50  degrees outside. 

Operation Find a Job needs to begin asap. 


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