Whatever You Are, Be a Good One...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A few picture updates as well :)

I figured since I just wrote such a long blog, I should add some pictures of what's been going on as well!

Enjoying the day at a lookout point outside of Arusha with the roomates!

 My students working hard making their Salt Dough Maps of their home countries :) They loved getting messy...it was a blast. 

 At Laura's cooperating teacher's house, loving on their giant dogs! Brit and the pup, it makes me want a a Great Dane...I think I would name it Smalls. 

 Laura and I have have a new habit of high-fiving...which was caught perfectly on camera before we took off on our horse ride. 

Jess and Brit's last day of school. ( I pretended to be like their mom, and documented the entire morning) Here, they are with our night guard Noel. 

Getting on the Bus!!

 Inside the bus for the last time! Please take note of the zebra seat fabric 

 Everyone on our bus!

Last glimpses of ISM for the girls. (This is the entrance, Karibu means "welcome" in Swahili)

 Laura, Brit and Gina at TGT before Brit goes to play soccer for her last time

Mike, Brit, Erik, Laura and I at TGT before we take off for the night 

Half Way There :)

As of Friday, we’ve made it half way and I’ll be home in 6 weeks. It’s crazy to think of how fast the time has flown. Now that things are normal day to day, it feels comfortable here and like it’s exactly where I’m supposed to be. The social world is picking up quite a bit, so it’s been fun to go out either on the weekends or for a game night on a weekday. Teaching is picking up too. Tomorrow I’ll start full time, and teach full time for 3 weeks and then slowly fade out. I’m a little nervous to go full time, and especially for 3 weeks but I think it’s gonna be good! That’s what I’m here for anyway, so the more I can learn and practice the better.

So instead of updating on everything that has been happening, I’ll give some highlights….

1. Horseback riding and Game night- The girls and I went to a cooperating teachers house to ride horses last week on their ranch/farm. Their house was the most amazing house I have ever seen, and their daughter is the one who runs the ranch and all the horses. After riding, which I loved and eating an amazing dinner we had game night with about 6 other people that came over. It was fun to just relax, eat good food and have a blast playing Pictionary. I forget how much I love playing games, but it was an awesome time.

2. Our professor was here through the week last week and it was exciting to see him. It was great that he was able to fly all the way out here to observe us and make sure everything was going well. He took us to a Tanzanian primary school on Friday as well as a public special school for students with disabilities. Both schools were so eye opening, and it made me just want to stay. The primary school had over 2,000 students….the 1st grade classroom we were in had 75 students in it that we counted! It was insane! The special school was in fairly good shape, not all of the kids were there but it was good to see that these kids were taken care of, at least for the most part. Overall, it was an amazing experience and definitely shaped my perspective on Tanzanian schools. It also makes me thankful that we have the education system we do in the U.S.

3. Last weekend was one of my favorite weekends so far. We went out for dinner Friday night, and on Saturday went into town to the market. The market was insane, full of sights, smells, tastes and sounds that I’ve never heard or seen before. The butchering portion of the market wasn’t my favorite because of the giant bloody carcasses hanging in the open air market….but everything else was pretty good. It was  neat to see all the spices being sold in bulk and the hundreds of produce stands with women bargaining their prices. The girls and I ended up buying a bunch of fabric which is great because I’ll have a tailor make me a skirt, and once I get home I think I want to make pillow cases and an apron out of it. We’ll see if I can put my domestic skills to the test! After all the adventure on Saturday during the day, that night we ended up going out to a new bar to try.  There was a band playing called Warriors from the East, an African reggae group and one of the most fun live music shows I’ve been to. Sunday was great as well- we went with 2 cooperating teachers out to a look out spot outside of Arusha. It was an amazing view, had a few beers and then went out to lunch at an authentic Tanzanian restaurant. It was delicious….and a good way to spend Sunday J 

This weekend has been much more low key. I’m preparing lesson plans and getting ready to go full time next week. Today, Laura and I laid out at the pool and had some friends we met out last weekend come over and hang out (they were from MN…small world!) I’m definitely burned again, sometimes sunscreen just doesn’t cut it but it was worth it for the vitamin D! Tomorrow I’m heading to church and then back to getting ready for the week!  I’ll try to post more often so that my posts aren’t as long as this one…but if you’ve made it all the way to the end thanks for sticking it out!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hands down, going on a Safari was one of the best experiences of my life. The 4 days was filled with amazing animals at incredibly close distance, good food, lots of pictures and hilarious times with Ms. Laura Greenwood. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life at some of the situations we got ourselves into. Some of these included making up fake boyfriends so the Tanzanian men wouldn't creep on us, rainy and wet tents, not showering for 4 days when supposedly it's protocol to shower on Safari (we never got the memo), strange bug bites on my legs (over 50 of them....it's crazy) and hilarious bathroom situations that I will never forget. We bargained for some great deals at the local dukas on the way to the parks and so I'm really happy with some of the things I've bought. Lots of good presents for friends and family :) Seeing the animals in the parks were breathtaking. We were underneath the tree that a leopard was laying in, saw lions 5 meters away, were close enough to elephants to touch and saw all of the Big Five. We even got to see part of the migration of wildebeest and zebra from Tanzania as they move to Kenya. There were miles of animals, thousands and thousands of them...pictures just don't do it justice. Our guide was fantastic too. He used to work for National Geographic as a photographer/cinematographer so he definitely knew his stuff! I put up about 20 pictures for a snap shot of the experience, some of the others are on facebook :) ( I took over 800 pictures for the weekend...so I can't share them all!) 

Overall, it was an amazing experience. Now I just need to get ready for a 2 day week at school and then the weekend again! This weekend we're going horse back riding in the hills with one of our teacher friends. It should be pretty great :)  


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 4

Well, it's Friday mid-morning and the week is almost complete :) Laura and I head out to go on our safari tomorrow morning at 8:30, bright and early! I can't wait.

This week has been a good one.  A definite improvement from last week. In terms of student teaching, I feel like I'm really getting it. I'm becoming a part of the classroom, students are respecting me as a teacher and not just an extra body in the room. Teaching math has gone MUCH better this week, so it feels good to know I can do it. I'm just so dang excited to have my own classroom, with my own students and my own schedule. It feels good teaching, and being in a classroom while feeling like this is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Pretty soon I'll have to start looking for jobs for Fall...Something definitely to pray hard about.

The internet this week has been working fairly well at school, so I'm thankful for that. I'm debating if I want to get a Zain stick ( a USB that allows for internet at home). I've lasted a month with out it, I could probably go the whole time. Plus, it's kind of nice to only have access to e-mail, facebook and google when I'm at school. I'm practicing really just trying to live in the moment and take advantage of everything that is here. Some events happened back home that make my mind wander back to Moorhead, thinking about what if's and what it will be like when I come home. I'm trying hard to get those thoughts out of my mind because I'm in Africa! That's all I need to care about right now. I trust that the Lord has my plan under control and things will work out the way they are meant to. So who knows it I'll get the internet....it would be nice to watch Glee on Hulu though!

Other random news for the week: Laura and I found a new grocery store that is close by, and made friends with a great taxi driver who isn't ripping us off. I found locally made organic peanut butter which was so far the best purchase I've made on groceries all trip...and only 4500tsh (like 3 dollars)...steal of a deal)  My students started their own classroom currency/economy and it's going amazing. AND, I found out there is a Pomegranate tree outside my classroom window.

That's all for now! 4 Day Safari in less than 24 hours. I promise I'll try not to get eaten by a lion. :)


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week 3

I've been here now for nearly a month, and I think this week was the first week that I really missed home. I missed my family and close friends, and the comfort of knowing that if need be, they are only a drive away. At the same time, it's exciting when I miss back home, and then push through it. I have to remember that I'm here temporarily, and the more I miss home the more I realize it's always going to be there. If I can do 3 months, I could do a year, if I can do a year, I could probably do 2 years. Who knows, the whole international teaching world is pretty amazing so far.

This week was pretty stressful over all, and I am thankful it's the weekend. I found out some news that hit me the wrong way, and school was tough this week. But hey, hakuna mata right? I think really, I just need to change my mind set about it. I hate teaching math...like really, I just wish it wasn't a core subject. Haha, even more of a reason why I need to get better at it, so my student's don't dislike math like I do. Teaching a lesson and walking away feeling like the kids are more confused than when they began kinda sucks. In the same breath, I'm a student teacher and I'm learning right? It's supposed to be tough! 

Friday night we went to a pick up soccer game that our roommate Brittany played in. It was awesome to watch her with all the soccer players as she was the sole female out there. We watched, and enjoyed happy hour under an umbrella while she played :) We got home and it was a pretty early night. This weekend I have lots of work to get done. I'm looking forward to getting it all done so that I can enjoy Super Bowl Monday. (yup, on Monday here bc the time difference is so big, it wouldn't play until like 2 am in the morning...so monday it is) A bunch of teachers and us student teachers will be getting together, and a couple of the teachers are from Wisconsin...so it will be a fun game to watch. 

Hopefully week 4 flies by, because Laura and I are taking off for a 4 day safari next Saturday. We'll go to Serengeti, Ngorogoro Crater, and Lake Manyara. Should be pretty great, can't wait to see more giraffes, plus the addition of elephants and lions and rhinos and cheetas...straight up Lion King style :)

Until next time! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Birthday Weekend in Tanzania :)

A few pictures to show you where I've been this weekend :)

This is the view of Mt. Meru from Ilboru Road, the road we travel up and down each day. 

Myself, Jess and Britney before our walking safari!

View of Mount Kilimanjaro from where we were walking...it was breathtaking.

Giraffes, Zebras, Warthogs and Buffalo


Mount Meru, this is the view we saw from the ground (the other direction was Kili)

We loved the Safari truck :)


Male Giraffe, maybe 20 feet away. It was amazing. 


My wonderful roommate Laura!

 More Giraffe!

View from the top of a hill we climbed. All 4 roomates with our armed guard, Christine. 

Warthogs! Just like in Lion King :)

Crazy bird...

View of the crater near Mt. Meru, it was beautiful. 

Needless to say, it was an unforgettable birthday weekend. One year older and many more adventures to come in this year I hope :)
