Whatever You Are, Be a Good One...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today was a good Day.

I would say that today was a good day. It started out by dropping off my brother at the airport because he is traveling back to Denver, CO. Then, I met up with a good friend for a 2 hour lunch date at MayDay Cafe in Minneapolis. It had an indy feel, with an eclectic customer base so it was fun to people watch and catch up. I could sit in coffee shops like that for hours.
(This is a picture of the place. I'm a poser though, I forgot to take my own photo of it, so I stole it from online ;) )

Since I got lunch, and not coffee my craving for some coffee was pretty intense. I headed to my favorite coffee shop near my house and sat for a couple of hours reading my new book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I had some delicious Chai Tea which I decided is my new favorite drink.

After my coffee date with myself, I headed to a local bookstore. They are closing the store, so everything was 70% off...that's right 70% OFF!! IT was CRAZY! I got over 40 Children's hardcover books, 3 cookbooks and 4 books for fun. Grand Total= 30$ Best 30$ I think I EVER spent. I'm pretty jacked about it, and super excited that I started my teaching library. (Plus, I got some really great titles and Caldecott books)

When I got home, I took some pictures around the house, playing around with my camera. Below is my favorite picture I took.

Today was pretty great. I needed some solid "me" time to refocus and just be. And although my "To Do" list hasn't recieved much attention, I think coffee and books we're a way better choice today than cleaning and organizing. Today was a good day. :)


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lots to do

- Unpack all of my crap from Fargo ( a BIG job...)
- Go through and put piles 1. Want 2. Give 3. Throw (An even BIGGER job)
- Go to Bank and get traveling checks/travel visa
- Buy a Mosquito net
- Pick up all my medications so I don't get scary African diseases
- Make a "To-Pack" packing list
- Actually Pack...
- Do some online shopping for clothing to wear in Africa (In the process)
- Download music for the trip
- Buy a good book. (Any suggestions?)
- Budget and figure out some travel plans...Kilimanjaro? Serengeti? Lake Victoria? Zanzibar? :)

Christmas time was wonderful and well spent with the family at the cabin. But now, it's over, New Years is fast approaching and I'll be on my flight to Tanzania before I know it. I have 16 Days before my flight leaves...holy moly! I have lots to do. I'm starting to get so excited...it's for real, I'm going to Africa!!! Time to start crossing out more than just thoughts! :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Alissa :)

I picked my friend Alissa up at 8:30 and as we drove around trying to find a coffee shop to get coffee and sit at, it felt like it had only been a few days since I'd seen her. What felt like a day was actually nearly a year because for the past year she has been in AmeriCorp in the wild! She's been in Wyoming and Montana doing forest restoration and being hardcore one with the wilderness; wearing a hardhat, carrying tools, not showering very often. Haha... It fits perfect with the person Alissa is, and all her teammates and superiors told her that she was the best to have on the Corp :) It doesn't surprise me one bit. Alissa is the most free-spirited person I know. Hardworking, passionate, wickedly smart and so down to earth. She's loved her Chai tea, chocolate and meat-free diet since I met her junior year of high school. Hands down, she is one of my favorite people to just sit and talk to. She is someone that is doing something bigger and better than herself, someone I look up to and someone who I'm so proud of.

Tonight was a quality night full of Ms. Alissa, her fantastic mom who came home half way through, coffee and some home-made truffles. When we finally looked at the clock it was 12:30 am. I headed home, but since I decided coffee was a good choice at 8:30 at night, I'm wide awake.

I'm so lucky to have friends like Alissa. Friends that are far away, but I know when we get the few times a year to see each other it will feel like no time has passed at all.

" Good Friends are hard to find, hard to lose, and Impossible to forget."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

True Life: I have too much stuff.

So, I think I'm a hoarder. I wish there was a website that gave me a check-list to figure out if I had a diagnosable disorder. It could go something like this...

Please Check If:
- You have more clothing than you know what to do with
- You buy things just because
- You don't throw things away, even if you haven't worn them forever

Given, it's not as bad as the show Hoarders, and I don't mean to make fun of the actual disorder. According to the show I guess it's legit. Given, I can still walk through my house, staircase and cook in the kitchen but I still feel like it's outta control.

The moral of the story, I have too much stuff. It kinda makes me sick to my stomach. I just want to simplify and not own things I don't need. Who needs 16 pairs of jeans? (yes, I own 16 pairs of jeans) or 20+ MSUM t-shirts(this is how many I counted until I got mad at myself and stopped). I have 4 GIANT black bags of clothes to put away. I made a goal of putting them all away today, I cleared out 1 bag. 1/4=25%=FAIL! Even more of a fail because it was just all my socks, underwear and bras. Yup, that's right, and ENTIRE BAG filled with those 3 things. This is why I think I have a problem.

So, I think tomorrow I'll make my next goal at emptying out another black bag. Maybe I should go through everything and SIMPLIFY....who needs that much stuff.
In the midst of the Christmas season, it is not time to be filled with stuff, instead my goal is to be filled with the Spirit. Less Stuff, More Spirit. Yup, I like it. It will be my mantra going through all my crap tomorrow...

Happy Tuesday :)


Sunday, December 12, 2010


I love Sundays. This morning I sat in a pew with great friends, in a warm and cozy church filled with people. Afterwards, I ran a few errands and now I'm home :) On my agenda today...unknown. I think I want to just take some time for me. Read a book I've been waiting to read, spend some time in Barnes and Noble browsing, possibly buying a few gifts and I feel as if coffee will definitely be in order. Currently I am cuddled up on my bed thinking a cat nap sounds pretty appealing.

I can't put my finger on it, but today I'm just happy. For some reason it's like I'm hypersensitive to all the amazing things around me.  I am I'm thankful for the friends I have, not just in general but the individuals who have impacted my life for the better. I'm thankful for warmth when it's so cold outside, for blankets, a car that starts, thankful for the Christmas season, holiday lights, for the music that helps me survive and the way hot chocolate makes me feel when it's so chilly out there. I know I'm obviously in a sentimental mood, but when you take the time to just be thankful it is pretty overwhelming.

I like Sundays like today. Days where I can relax, and just "Be Still" in gratitude for everything I have been blessed with.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Kelly Moore Bags :)

I found a new favorite song for the day.


I also found a new favorite bag for the day. I'm adding it to my "Wish List". These bags are great. Small enough where they look like an actual purse but also holds my new SLR. I feel like it might be a "must buy" kind of a thing.

Adorable? I know. PLUS....it's mustard. The color of my long lost stolen purse that I miss every day of my life. Ok, that might be a little dramatic but I really do miss it! This Kelly Moore purse could be a perfect substituion..AND hold my camera. PLUS...when I'm in Africa I could have my camera on me all the time, plus all the normal stuff I need. I think it's a match made in heaven. :) 

The purse is by Kelly Moore. Check out her website: 

I have to call my sister to discuss my new find. Happy Friday!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Wondrous Love

    I handed in my last papers for my college career today. Tomorrow, I have an exit interview and then it is Christmas break for this lady :) Life is good, I'm exhausted because I was up so late doing homework but I just can't seem to fall asleep to take a nap. Instead, I've been relaxing the last 2 hours listening to Grooveshark, finishing a Shutterfly picture book, and spending time in the Word. It's amazing how good it feels to just relax. 
    In my exhaustion and current reflective mood, I can't stop but coming back to the fact of how thankful I am. God is so good. My friend Bekah and I were talking a while back about this weird transition when you move from the place you call home, and she said, "I can't imagine making this transition without knowing the Lord." I couldn't agree more. I am so thankful to know and love the Lord. 
  Today I came across Psalm 138:8:
    The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; Your love, O'Lord, endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hand. 
This verse ensures me that the Lord will make sure that my purpose on earth will be fulfilled. He will not leave me while I do work in His name. His love is eternal, and endures. The word endure by definition is"to regard with acceptance or tolerance. To remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yeilding." As the current song lyrics that I am listening to says, His love is a wondrous love. :) 

Happy Thursday. It's time to enjoy a relaxing night.  


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hello Nikon D3000

After 3 months of researching and looking at cameras, I finally made a decision. Last weekend I purchased a Nikon D3000 and I am in love :) I took a few pictures at home, and today I went out downtown Fargo and took some pictures. I think it's going to be a good fit for me. Here's a few pictures from the new camera.
My Pups, Lucy and Molly :)

 Shoes and books. 2 of my favorite things :) 
"Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. "


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Exactly what I needed.

As I had some quiet time tonight, I came across this verse (the version I found from another persons blog) and it his completely hit me where I'm at. I feel like it's so relevant, and profound, yet simple. As I look to the next step, I pray that I keep this verse remains at the forefront of my steps. 
Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.
By the way, after my anti- procrastination blog earlier tonight I was inspired, and I kicked my lesson plans in the butt. Although, my piles of clean clothes are still sitting in my room..

Dear Procrastination, please go away.

It's been a while since I've been on here. I just have no motivation for anything lately! As an example, I got home from Thanksgiving break on Sunday, with 2 large bags of clean clothes. Those clothes still have yet to be put away....really Liz?

Blogging, running, homework, lesson plans...all going on the back burner. It's such a weird transition for me right now, it's like I'm thinking that if I don't get anything done, just maybe I won't have to move forward. Forward is unknown, forward is Africa.  I leave Fargo in 17 days from today. Scary, bittersweet, exciting, sad...so many word to describe how I feel. I think I figured out today that me not thinking about it, and refusing to make way on my to-do list is not helping anyone. Pure laziness could be a portion of it as well, but honestly, I'm just scared. I'm scared that when my my to-do list is checked off, it's really gonna be time to go.

Now is the time I really need to trust. I know the Lord has this under control, but truly putting my trust in Him is a tough thing to do; I am definitely being humbled through this transition. Quiet time and music has been vital for me, and now it's time to get my to-do list checked off!

So what's going to happen when that to-do list is done?! Well, it's on to the next chapter. Instead of being emotional and "deep" about all this life stuff, I just gotta get my crap done because life is moving forward with or without me. Even if I don't do my lesson plans, 5 giant assignments and everything else on my list, I'm still moving to Africa...my grades just may not be as good. So it's time to stop procrastinating because of what it means when I finally finish. Time to get work done. Operation productivity is a go.