Whatever You Are, Be a Good One...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hands down, going on a Safari was one of the best experiences of my life. The 4 days was filled with amazing animals at incredibly close distance, good food, lots of pictures and hilarious times with Ms. Laura Greenwood. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life at some of the situations we got ourselves into. Some of these included making up fake boyfriends so the Tanzanian men wouldn't creep on us, rainy and wet tents, not showering for 4 days when supposedly it's protocol to shower on Safari (we never got the memo), strange bug bites on my legs (over 50 of them....it's crazy) and hilarious bathroom situations that I will never forget. We bargained for some great deals at the local dukas on the way to the parks and so I'm really happy with some of the things I've bought. Lots of good presents for friends and family :) Seeing the animals in the parks were breathtaking. We were underneath the tree that a leopard was laying in, saw lions 5 meters away, were close enough to elephants to touch and saw all of the Big Five. We even got to see part of the migration of wildebeest and zebra from Tanzania as they move to Kenya. There were miles of animals, thousands and thousands of them...pictures just don't do it justice. Our guide was fantastic too. He used to work for National Geographic as a photographer/cinematographer so he definitely knew his stuff! I put up about 20 pictures for a snap shot of the experience, some of the others are on facebook :) ( I took over 800 pictures for the weekend...so I can't share them all!) 

Overall, it was an amazing experience. Now I just need to get ready for a 2 day week at school and then the weekend again! This weekend we're going horse back riding in the hills with one of our teacher friends. It should be pretty great :)  



  1. Liz these pictures are incredible! I am so glad you are loving what you are doing, and are getting to experience so many beautiful things! :-) Sending thoughts and prayers your way!
