Whatever You Are, Be a Good One...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

True Life: I have too much stuff.

So, I think I'm a hoarder. I wish there was a website that gave me a check-list to figure out if I had a diagnosable disorder. It could go something like this...

Please Check If:
- You have more clothing than you know what to do with
- You buy things just because
- You don't throw things away, even if you haven't worn them forever

Given, it's not as bad as the show Hoarders, and I don't mean to make fun of the actual disorder. According to the show I guess it's legit. Given, I can still walk through my house, staircase and cook in the kitchen but I still feel like it's outta control.

The moral of the story, I have too much stuff. It kinda makes me sick to my stomach. I just want to simplify and not own things I don't need. Who needs 16 pairs of jeans? (yes, I own 16 pairs of jeans) or 20+ MSUM t-shirts(this is how many I counted until I got mad at myself and stopped). I have 4 GIANT black bags of clothes to put away. I made a goal of putting them all away today, I cleared out 1 bag. 1/4=25%=FAIL! Even more of a fail because it was just all my socks, underwear and bras. Yup, that's right, and ENTIRE BAG filled with those 3 things. This is why I think I have a problem.

So, I think tomorrow I'll make my next goal at emptying out another black bag. Maybe I should go through everything and SIMPLIFY....who needs that much stuff.
In the midst of the Christmas season, it is not time to be filled with stuff, instead my goal is to be filled with the Spirit. Less Stuff, More Spirit. Yup, I like it. It will be my mantra going through all my crap tomorrow...

Happy Tuesday :)


1 comment:

  1. this sounded like me talking.....its sad. my whole family, brad and my sisters boyfriend won't let me hear the end of all my stuff....but i don't have anything i want to get rid of!!
